im that guy...
so i guess i get to be the guy who puts something on here that im dealing with first this im reading kyle's book on prayer (amazing by the way pick it up if you aint got it) and as im reading it #1 im remembering our conversations, the sermons, and times where these ideas where just thrown around together and i freaking hate that he is gone - this i expected. #2 so im reading a book about prayer and probably because of the crap of last year i find myself praying right after i finish reading a chapter or so (this is the good part) whenever we heard or read the words good part we all think to ourselves oh great now the bad part, and not do disapoint here is the bad part well the part at least that i question...i get so wrapped up in what God is saying to me with kyle's words that i somewhere in prayer wind up saying as ginuinely as possible..."@!&> it God what the crap...i mean i know you did cause him to die or allow him to die...and so and so on but seriously what the crap why did it happen...this world is get the point
so its not like im lookin for answers or anything just thought i would share whats going on in my world...well that and baby stuff