Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hey Guys

Sorry I have been out for a while. Hope all is well with everyone. I am currently taking the CPO class and boy I can't wait until it is over. Because it is during the summer we go to a nursing home instead of the hospital. Its so frustrating because very few of them can hold a conversations with you. How do you minister to people who probably don't have the mental capacity to know who you are, what you're saying or that you even care? Is it ministry only if they can recognize it?


Blogger Matt Addington said...

i can relate...

the best thing i can offer is to simple be there for the people. just talk about randomness and whatever they come up with.

just being there for them and talking to them and spending time with them is more than most people would do in any other situation.

lemme think on this one some more and maybe i can come up with something more useful

6:08 PM

Blogger Matt Addington said...

atta baby holla

9:29 PM

Blogger Casey Cockrell said...

Good words everyone.....

I too have taken that CPO class and it was a challenge for me also. My view of ministry changed in one afternoon at the hospital. I went into a room where a lady was laying on the bed facing the opposite way from me. When she rolled over I could see that her tounge was so swollen that she could not communicate with me. In that moment my view of ministry was changed. I always had this idea that ministry was making people feel better by saying things that they can find comfort in. When our eyes met with each other in that hospital room our hearts where in the same place. I prayed for her and then let go of her hand so I could walk out. I have no clue what her name was or what she was in the hospital for by I do know that we made a connection that I can never forget. (Not every visit you do will be this life changing) I went home that night and cried in my wife's arms for half an hour because I had been truly changed from that afternoon. Prayers for all of you.....

10:35 PM


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