Thursday, January 26, 2006

What do you think?

So I was just watching The Daily Show and a Frenchman was on there talking about how he traveled across America and tried to break the "cliches" that people have about Americans. Blah, Blah, Blah. But here is the one thing that I thought was a very interesting thing. He said that he visited some of the megachurches in America, he only named Willowcreek, but he said that all the people there were pretty normal people but he called the pastor a crook and said that the megachurches in America were labratories for ultra-right wing Conservatives. Just wanted to know your thoughts about this statement. Should we really listen to this or tell him to go back and eat his "freedom" fries. (Remember that crap)


Blogger Matt Addington said...

two words...Joel Osteen

yes the megachurches can be a business and yes they can be for right-wingers, but they dont have to be. the problem i have with megachurches is how they are forced to operate like a business and the fact that community life is basically non-existant. well biblical community life that is. im sure that megachurces meet needs that other churches cant...dont exactly know what they are but im sure they do.

lemme think some more on this bad boy

(yeah so it really was longer than 2 words)

2:00 PM

Blogger Casey Cockrell said...

That is a very good point fre$h. It all seems to be packaged material that also sells in large businesses.

11:03 PM


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